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ZyxelRO GM Application

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1ZyxelRO GM Application Empty ZyxelRO GM Application Thu Dec 04, 2008 8:04 pm



Hi , just letting you know the GM recruitment is now open.

ZyxelRO GM Application

General questions :

1. How old are you ?

2. Where are you currently living (specify the GMT) ?

3. What do you do for a living? (e.g. Go to school, a job, etc.)

4. How many languages are you able to understand ?

5. How many languages can you talk (specify if it's fluent or not) ?

6. How often do you play ZyxelRO during the week (specify the days & times) ?

7. How long do you usually stay online ?

8. How long could you stay online if it was needed?
a. During the week
b. During the weekend
9. How long have you been playing RO (specify the reasons if you left a server) ?

10. How long have you been playing ZyxelRO ?

11. Are you active on the ZyxelRO forum ?

12. Why do you want to be a GM ?

13. What do you think would make you a good GM for ZyxelRO ?

14. Have you ever held a position with responsibilities in the past ? If so, specify what it was.

15. What is your opinion about ZyxelRO ? (Suggestions are welcome)

16. What kind of GM would you want to be ? (double choice is possible)
a. Event GM
b. Support GM
17. Do you have any scripting skills (this is an optionnal question with no incidence on the result) ?

17. Please provide a valid email that we could use to contact you.

GM situation questions :

All the following questions suppose that you are currently a GM.

1. Someone is spamming ice walls in @go 15 or @go 0, what would you do ?

2. Someone is saying your best friend is using an illegal item, what would you do ?

3. You are hunting bots in prt_maze03, already banned a few, then you receive a request saying : ??T??Hey why you banned my account??!! ME no bot !!???, what would you do ? (explain in details)

4. If you catch a fellow GM doing something abusive, what will you do?

5. You are now a GM, can you help the server's community grow by just inviting players?

And send to vidzencrypt@yahoo.com


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